Learn Chinese Medicine With UEWM
What is Chinese Medicine?
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) utilizes theories and principles that date back nearly 3000 years. TCM is a gentle, effective, and safe method of holistic healing that works on the physical, emotional, and psycho-spiritual levels. TCM includes the modalities of acupuncture, Chinese herbal formulas, acupressure, energetic exercise, such as Tai Qi and Qigong, and dietary advice.
Traditional Chinese medicine regards the human body as a complete, self-regulating system that is always in a state of change. TCM follows the laws and cycles of nature and embraces the interconnectedness of all things.
Using the natural properties and flavors of medicinal substances to restore and balance the entire body energy, TCM plays an important role in preventing and treating the disease as well as improving longevity.
Since the 1970s when traditional Chinese medicine first became available in the United States, over 15 million Americans have tried it. Almost everyone knows someone who had positive results. The risk is low and potential benefits are high.
Who can benefit from Chinese medicine?
Traditional Chinese medicine can help people with both acute and chronic health problems as well as those who simply want to increase their overall well-being. Those who want to increase vitality and energy, strengthen their immune system, and find relief from chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, allergies, and asthma; can benefit from natural health care. Those who are seeking relief from pain, fatigue, depression, and stress-related conditions, want to control their weight, or stop smoking can also benefit.