Rolling Enrollment for Tai Chi Workshops (12 weeks $260)
UEWM is offering Therapeutic Tai Ji Qigong (EL101). The Honorary Dean of the Tai Chi College, and an International Tai Chi Champion, Dr. Chihsiu Weng teaches students Yang’s and Chang’s Taiji, Ba Duan Jin and traditional Qigong helping people to relieve tension and body aches, improve sleep and maintain a healthy heart.
During this promotional period, the application fees and other fees will be waived. The course offers rolling enrollment and is open to UEWM students as well as the general public. Please contact UEWM Admissions Office:
國際醫藥大學醫療太極氣功課(EL101)。由國際太極冠軍、太極學院榮譽院長翁啓修博士親授楊氏和常氏太極、八段錦、傳統氣功, 幫助緩解緊張、減輕身體疼痛、改善睡眠、保健心臟。
Tel:408-733-1878 Email:
Activity engaged (certification courses and promotional seminars)
Courses to be offered:
A) Traditional Health/ therapeutic and Fitness exercise for public
1) Eight Brocades with Qigong Application ( Xingqi and Daoyin method)
2) Eight Brocades with Belt Cracking Drill (fitness routine for strength, speed, coordination and cardio-vascular endurance)
——–for all ages and levels 10 hours
B) Mat exercise for landing safely to prevent from injury and body sculpting (weight management)
——for all ages and levels 10 hours
C) Taiji for Self Defense Application (joins control and encountering assaulting)
——for youth and adult 20 hours (beginner)
D) Cardio Taiji routine (Taiji techniques in compliance with Cardio exercise formula)
——for all ages, 10 hours
10 persons minimal size for each course.
First come first go with the proper size of enrolling
(Please register as the audit student.)
Jeff Lin
国际醫藥大學太极、氣功、武医研究院院長. 北加州华体会副執行
Professor Jeff Lin is the Dean of College of TaiChi, QiGong and Martial Art Medicines at University of East-West University. He is also vice president of the Northern California Chinese Culture and Athlete Federation and Director of the Tai Chi Division. He has practiced Tai Chi for more than thirty years and won numerous international tai chi champions. He learned Chen Tai Chi from Master Chen Qingzhou, Yang Tai Chi from Master Yang Jun, and Wang Water Tai Chi and push hands from Master Gary Lam. He is an entrepreneur and venture capitalist. He founded a public traded hi-tech company and won minority manufacturer of the year in 1993. He is also a tai chi culture lover and promoter who is constantly practicing and teaching tai chi & martial arts in college and social communities. He also hosted many large-scale Tai Chi championships and chaired lectures on Tai Chi culture on The One Belt and One Road Initiatives in US and many others.
Chi-hsiu Weng
(Please register as the audit student.)