Extended and Continuing Education
(Online CEU, PDA and EE courses)
The University of East-West Medicine is proud to offer a comprehensive set of California Acupuncture Board-approved Continuing Education Classes (CEU) and NCCAOM approved Professional Development Activities class (PDA) and general public classes (EE) in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Integrative Medicine, natural healing and health practices. We bring in world-class speakers from abroad, the United States, and locally to teach in person and online courses. The topics including but not limited to pain management, TCM diagnosis, Tai-Chi, Qigong, Tuina, Herbology, ect. Our goal is to develop the future integrative medicine that can benefits all people in health care field.
- UEWM offers California Acupuncture Board approved CEU and NCCAOM approved PDA for L.Ac.
- Flexible class schedule including 2 hours, 4 hours, and 8 hours of online live classes, 3-day Weekend Classes, and various online self-paced classes.
- Normal price: $10/hour, Alumni price: $8/hour. (Alumni can receive 20% discounts for CEU/PDA courses)
- An annual unlimited package to access all classes.
CEU/PDA Online Classes on Udemy (Total 20 Units of Distance Classes in Chinese)
国际医药大学特别推出Udemy 线上课程,高品质课程,一次注册,反复学习,网上学习完所有视频并做完作业和考试后,填写证书申请表,即可拿到继续教育证书。
20% off promotional code for UEWM alumni: UEWMALUMNI-15 (expire date 10/14/2023)
国际医大校友20%折扣码:UEWMALUMNI-15 (折扣截止日期10/14/2023)

- Qi Acupuncture, by Xueli Fu (4 units of a distance class in Chinese)
气针灸,傅学理教授主讲 (4个远程学分)
(Approved by NCCAOM and CAB)

- Authentic Teachings of Diagnosis by Observation (part 1): Secret Techniques of Dr. Yuanquan Lin’s Clinical Observation (3 units of distance class in Chinese)
望诊真传 (上) — 林源泉博士临床望诊秘诀 (3个远程学分)

- Authentic Teachings of Diagnosis by Observation (part 2): Secret Techniques of Dr. Yuanquan Lin’s Clinical Observation (3 units of distance class in Chinese)
望诊真传 (下) — 林源泉博士临床望诊秘诀 (3个远程学分)
(Approved by NCCAOM and CAB)

- Herbology (1): Diagnosis and treatment of cardio- and cerebrovascular diseases with herbal medicine with Dr. Yuanquan Lin
药(一):心脑血管疾病诊治用药,林源泉博士主讲 (3个远程学分)
(Approved by NCCAOM and CAB)

- Herbology (2): Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary diseases with herbal medicine with Dr. Yuanquan Lin
药(二) : 林源泉博士-呼吸系统的诊治用药, 林源泉博士主讲(3个远程学分)
Upcoming Live CEU Classes
Integrative Medicine Conference with CEU Credits
The 7th World Congress on Dec. 2023. CEU’s from University of East-West Medicine Continuing Ed. Units available.
Learn more at www.wfih.org
Provider Information:
- The California Acupuncture Board, CE Provider Number: #259
- NCCAOM, PDA Provider Number: #9231
Contact us today for Alumni discount of 20% off or friends discount of 10% off.
The University of East-West Medicine is proud to offer a comprehensive set of California Acupuncture Board-approved Continuing Education Classes (CEU) and NCCAOM approved Professional Development Activities class (PDA) and general public classes (EE) in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Integrative Medicine, and health practices. We bring in world-class speakers from abroad, the United States, and locally to teach in person and online courses.
- UEWM offers California Acupuncture Board approved CEU and NCCAOM approved PDA for L.Ac.
- Flexible class schedule including 2 hours, 4 hours, and 8 hours of online live classes, 3-day Weekend Classes, and various online self-paced classes.
- Normal price: $10/hour, Alumni price: $8/hour. (Alumni can receive 20% discounts for CEU/PDA courses)
- An annual unlimited package to access all classes.
Contact us today for Alumni discount of 20% off or friends discount of 10% off.

ECE Program Manager: Karina Bai
Phone: 408.636.7717
Email: ceu@uewm.edu