Acupuncture is going mainstream
To reach this level, an organization like World Health Organization (WHO) recommends acupuncture for over 100 conditions based on clinical research on insomnia and stress. Time Magazine introduces acupuncture as a safer and more effective treatment for pain. The National Institutes of Health website has hundreds of studies published with positive results of acupuncture.
In fact, acupuncture is known to treat acute and chronic pain like lower back pain, neck pain, knee pain, and headache; emotional conditions like anxiety, depression, and stress; insomnia; gynecological and fertility problems; digestive disorders like fatigue, IBS, Crone’s, promote stroke recovery and recovery from surgery and relieves side effects of chemotherapy.
Acupuncture treatments can be covered by insurance. In California, acupuncturists are considered Primary Care Physicians. This means that patients can come directly to see an acupuncturist for treatments. Also, a licensed acupuncturist gives prescriptions and learns how to perform physical exams, including neurological exams and orthopedic exams.
In other words, learning Chinese medicine can lead individuals, families, and society to progress together to reach the most harmonious stage of life.