TCM Tuina Massage (On Hold until we get approval from CAMTC)
Tuition and Fees
TCM Tuina Massage Therapy Program 600 hrs. and 1,000 hrs.
Each Hour of Instruction $6.50/hour
Tuition for 600-hr TMT Professional $3,900 Based On a Student Taking 24 Hours Per Week
Tuition for 1000-hr TMT Specialist $6,000 Based On a Student Taking 24 Hours Per Week (On Hold)
Tuina Review Class $750
Total Cost of tuition (600 hr. plus Review Class) $4650
Total Minimum Fees (from page 3) $85
Total Cost including Tuition, Minimum Fees & Review Class $4735
Tuition or Fees do not include materials fees for each class, uniforms, equipment or supplies.
The cost of these items varies from month-to- month and program-to- program based on student choices.