Doctor of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine
- Expert Faculty. The DAOM program classes are taught by expert Chinese and western doctors, specialists, and professors who teach the Doctoral program students on advanced acupuncture, oriental medicine, and traditional Chinese Medicine topics and techniques
- Advanced Curriculum: The DAOM program curriculum covers advanced levels of Diagnosis, Acupuncture, Herbology, Gynecology, Traumatology and Pain Therapy, Nutrition, and Qigong medical applications. Please see course descriptions in the Catalog.
- University Medical Center. The University operates its own Medical Center, which provides the opportunities for students to practice their advanced medical experience with a flexible schedule.
- Opportunity Double Doctorate. The University has a partnership with Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine to provide a full scholarship to qualified and selected doctoral students to study for a Ph.D in China. A monthly stipend for living expenses is also available. For qualifications and details, please see the DAOM office.
- Timely Completion: Core courses can be completed in just over one year. If students are full-time. Students satisfy the internship requirements at our Medical Center or off-campus clinic centers, or Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, or Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China.
- Affordable tuition fees. The total fees for the DAOM program are reasonable. Please see the Catalog. Some students qualify for scholarships or tuition reduction programs.
- Facilities: The University of East West Medicine’s DOAM program offers a comfortable academic environments for study, academic research, and clinical practice.