Dear Class of 2020 and 2021 Graduates,
We are excited to welcome you back to University of East-West Medicine to celebrate your Commencement!
Important Information for the in-person Graduation Ceremony:
- Check-in is located at the front desk on the second floor, and will begin at 8:45AM. It is highly recommended to arrive on time to ensure ample time to get seated. Everyone will need to register and have their temperature taken before entering the seating area. Commencement will start at 9:30AM.
- If you have a fever, cough, or have been in contact with a person with Covid-19, please do not attend.
- Everyone will be required to wear a mask indoors, regardless of vaccination status.
- There is parking available on our campus. Additional parking is available across the street, next to the McDonald’s parking lot.
Dear students: If you want to have an individual photo, please come at 8:45am-9:10am.
- 畢業典禮將在兩樓大廳舉行, 8:45 AM 開始 check in 進場, 每個人都需要到二樓前台登記並量體溫, 才能進入大廳.
- 若有發燒咳嗽現象或與COVID19 確診者接觸, 請不要參加畢業典禮. 畢業生 9:30 AM 進場
- 參加畢業典禮者需要戴口罩
- 如果學校沒有停車位, 可以停到對面麥當勞附近的停車場, 但不要停在麥當勞停車場
- 各位同學
如果你想要有個人獨照, 請在8:45am – 9:10am報到
The Commencement ceremonies will take place:
Saturday, August 21, 2021 at 9:30-11:30 AM
The ceremony will be on campus AND online via zoom
Online Commencement ZOOM ID: 901-294-9258
Watch the graduation Livestream here:
線上畢業典禮 ZOOM ID: 901-294-9258
If you plan to attend graduation in person, please fill out this survey. This will help us finalize our in-person and virtual events for Commencement. With limited seating, please let us know as early as possible. More information will be sent to you via email and on this page.
We look forward to celebrating Commencement with you and your families, whether you plan to attend virtually or in person, and we will follow up with more information as it is available.
If you have any questions or suggestions or you are available to help out with the event, please contact Jennifer Hu at
Jennifer Hu, Commencement Committee Chair, and
The UEWM Commencement Team