This weekend at UEWM: The prestigious Dr. Huang Huang, from Nanjing University, has come from China to give a lecture series in our CEU program! He will be going over Classic Herbal Formulas. Patient Letter MAR 13, 2015 Always a …
Always a pleasure to receive letters such as this one! A patient’s gratitude is our most precious reward 🙂
A wonderful two days full of speeches and workshops by some of the world’s finest Tai Chi practitioners.
The licensing exam is coming up! Do you know what to study?
Did you know: Acupunture and Oriental Medicine is extremely individualized. For example, 20 people with a flu may all have different acupunture points chosen as part of their treatment!
A brief guide to meditation created by UEWM student Christian O. Sy.
Dr. Amy Chan discusses the benifits of TCM when dealing with cervical health.
UEWM clinic patient Leslee testifies to the efficacy of acupuncture in treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome on Kbay radio.