Mother’s Day Free Health Check Up
UEWM Free Health Check Up
University of East-West Medicine (Sunnyvale, CA) values family health more than anything, so we offer free check-ups for families in our community, and the first treatment is free.
Scheduled Free Check-Up Days: 5/7, 5/8 (Saturday, Sunday-Mother’s Day), and every Saturday 9:00am-12:00pm; 1:00pm-5:00pm
Address: 595 Lawrence Expressway, Sunnyvlae, CA 94085 [First Floor]
Please Note:
The free check up is using the Chinese medicine diagnosis method to check your health condition, and give you advice.
If you need teaching clinic treatment, the first treatment is for free, the returning patients is $35/1 time treatment and $150/5 times treatments.
If you want specialist treatment, please ask the specialist for the price.
Anyone join the Mother’s Day free Check up will receive a 10% off for all the treatment.
To join the free check up, you are required to fill in the sign up form
Please sing in at clinic front desk, and fill in the forms as we required.
UEWM Clinic Phone: 408-992-0218; 650-537-5379 (Text message available)
UEWM School Phone: 408-733-1878
Clinic website: