
Rolling Enrollment for Tai Chi Workshops (15 weeks $220)

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UEWM is offering for the first time, Therapeutic Tai Ji Qigong (EL101). The Dean of the Tai Chi College, and an International Tai Chi Champion, Dr. Chihsiu Weng teaches students Yang’s and Chang’s Taiji, Ba Duan Jin and traditional Qigong helping people to relieve tension and body aches, improve sleep and maintain a healthy heart. The class is scheduled on Fridays from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm and lasts for 15 weeks. The tuition is only $220!
During this promotional period, the application fees and other fees will be waived. The course offers rolling enrollment and is open to UEWM students as well as the general public. Please contact UEWM Admissions Office:

國際醫藥大學首開醫療太極氣功課(EL101)。由國際太極冠軍、太極學院院長翁啓修博士親授楊氏和常氏太極、八段錦、傳統氣功, 幫助緩解緊張、減輕身體疼痛、改善睡眠、保健心臟。課程共 15 週,每週五晚 7:00-9:00, 學費僅$220 (推廣期間免收申請費等雜費)。

Tel:408-733-1878    Email:

Start Time

12:00 am

June 17, 2019

Finish Time

12:00 am

July 19, 2019


595 Lawrence Expressway, Sunnyvale, CA 94085

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