by Cheng-Chin Hwang
We hope that through our years of medical skills, we can treat patients suffering from disease and help them renew their confidence in fighting illness. By combining modern medicine and neuroanatomy, we have found a shortcut to acupuncture. Combining a variety of acupuncture techniques can effectively and immediately activate the nervous system, control the body’s functional responses in a short time, and help you find your confidence back.
Using this modern acupuncture technique, we specialize in neuralgia, neurodegenerative diseases, automatic nerve disorders, ophthalmological diseases, rheumatic immune allergies, facial nerve palsy, spastic torticollis, temporomandibular joint disorders, menstrual pain, gastrointestinal digestion Illness, insomnia, depression, cold and chronic cough…
Topic 2: Qigong Exercise Tutorial
by Ying-Qiu Wang
Dr. Ying-Qiu Wang is Taiji-Qigong master, and the founder of the University of East West Medicine.
He will teach you how to practice Qigong to strengthen your lung function, boost your immune system, and how to practice Qigong to have a good sleep and relieve the pain.
Topic 3: Answer & Questions –
Our specialty will answer the question of how to use Chinese medicine to help you maintain health and longevity.
We are looking forward to seeing you at this event. We will offer a free clinic treatment to new patients.