The University of East-West Medicine is a vision-driven Traditional Chinese Medicine higher educational institution. We commit our passion, talent, and dedication to make UEWM the Leader in Traditional Chinese and Integrative Medicine for a Happy and Healthy world!
in the world of medicine!
Chinese Medicine Tea Talk This Saturday 2-4pm
Qigong & Free TCM Checkup
595 Lawrence Expressway,
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Flexible Class Schedule
Affordable Tuition
Federal Financial Aid
To Become a Licensed Acupuncturist
Founded in
Graduate students
Located in
the center of Silicon Valley
如果你有这样的疑惑:同样的名医开的药你喝的管用我喝的不管用?这么有名气的中医大师开的药我吃了不管用,病更重了,这中医徒有虚名,是个庸医。事实上并不是这个中医不行,他开的方是对症良方。只是抓的中药有假劣或者该炮制的没炮制,再者是商家为省人工物力炮制的不得法,让这位名医开的救命良方变成了误命的假药。这就是人们常说的中医会死在中药上的主要原因。 这门课将解决你关于中药的迷雾,让你在用药上有一个质的提升。如果你想用中药医治病人,或是居家煲汤、泡茶,为自己和家人保健,选择正确的中药都至关重要。来吧,让你来验证覆杯而愈不只是传说! 注册链接: 一百年前的中医(坐堂医)看病大多前店后厂,医生在前店看病,徒弟们忙着抓药。看完病后自己炮制中药,自己配制丸散膏丹,他们知道怎样炮制的药品效果会更好,病人好的会更快,他们知道对病人严格的负责任。他的病人会更多,名气会更大。就这样祖辈传流或师傅带徒弟让很多精艺绝学流传下来了。可是后来不准个人开诊所了,好中医被弄到了医院,中药铺归国家管理,中医和中药分家了,规定中医不能卖自己配的药了。 日月流转,大几十年后,老一辈中医没了,很多绝学失传了,到今天医院的中医都不认识中药了,他们怎能分别出中药的真假?有没有正确炮制过?有没有疗效呢?(疗效都被黑心商人吃了)传承断了!药假了!这是很多患者吃完中药不管用的主要原因。 不过道医和民间中医还保留着中药鉴别与炮制这一脉几乎要断代的传承,药翁从十几岁起在河北农村跟着师傅学认药、炮制药,拜过七个名师。用二十六年时间接住了这个当时没人要的传承(中药鉴别与炮制)。近百年来没人系統讲过这门课程。我应该讲了,要把这门手艺传承下去…… 因此为了让更多人用上放心的中药,为了让更多中医师不被误解,为了让国医们彰显圣手本色!特别邀请药翁先生为大家讲道药的鉴别与炮制。 让我们结缘国际医药大学! 理念:天下万物皆为药,世间诸药俱通灵。 人体为大药,让我们的心归位,焠练自身药气,加强一气周流,有病治病无病强身。 将在本次授课中赠送有缘者药气宗的两个独家不传秘方的炮制方法。 1.真阳大还丹:主治肾精亏虚引起的阳痿、早泄、没有性欲、没有想法、感觉活着没劲。肾精亏引起的青、中、老年人 健忘(早期老年痴呆)。肾精亏引起的忧郁症(感觉生活都是灰暗的,活着没意思。) 2.回天再造丹:人体为大药用则脱胎换骨。 老师介绍 藥翁:药气宗传承人,道教道药传人,高级中药鉴别师。加州针灸师。 在中国河北省杏林书院授课七年。 藥翁三十六年间致力于道药的鉴别与炮制。因为历史原因古老的宗门传承(道药的鉴别与炮制)几经面临断代失传。 藥翁将于2024年春季3月24号在国际中医药大学开课,将祖国道医用药的鉴别与道药炮制面临断代失传的药气宗传承延续下去! 注册链接: 主讲:药气宗、天医门、道药的鉴别与炮制。 工欲善其事,必先利其器。 我们只要能鉴别出道地的中药,学会炮制他的药性,使其有引经入药的药气,他就是我们战胜病魔的一件法宝、一件神兵利器。 请接住这份因果,抓住难得的学习真传的机会,药翁在这里拱手以待,带你认识真正的中药,让你来验证覆杯而愈不只是传说!
the 7th World Federation of Integrative Medicine
Faced with the suffering from diseases and various disasters that humanity is experiencing today, undoubtedly, it has brought great difficulties to individuals, families, and society. Medicine knows no borders. In recent years, there has been a rising trend in integrative …
面对当今人类所遭受的疾病痛苦和各种灾难,无疑给个人家庭和社会带来了极大困苦。医学无国界,近年来兴起整合医学,将西医、中医等医学整合在一起,更好地避免过度医疗,更有效保护生命安全,更利于养生延长寿命,受到世界各国医学界高度重视,助推了中医中药在世界崛起。推动整合医学,提升人类健康水平,也是世界整合医学学会联合会的使命与目标。 第七届世界整合医学大会将于12月1-3日线上线下盛大举行,本届大会是由世界整合医学学会联合会与美国国际医药大学联合多个学术团体在中国广州广交会和美国硅谷的国际医药大学核宇厅举行的盛会,旨在推动全球整合医学的发展,强调古老智慧与现代方法的结合。 此次大会主题为“大医学、大健康、大产业”,以中医“整体观、气血论、经络论、可逆观”和“天-人合一、道-法自然、世界重辉”结合西医“量子生物医学”为主轴,旨在创建“世界大健康共同体”。预计本次大会将有来自60多个国家的专家学者近8000人参会。包括中国两院院士、国医大师20余名、医学院校校长50余名、医院院长300余名、医疗企业500余家、医疗健康投资机构60余家,本届特设100位老中医现场义诊及针灸,解答疑难杂症。 大会主题内容包括:核宇量子医学、数字中医、量子中医、儿童发育与智力开发、女性病、男科病、整合医学美容、老人抗衰老与失智症预防、成人高血压、高血糖、高尿酸、高胆固醇、高血脂的新法防治、新冠后遗併发症防治、心脑血管疾病、牙科病、乳腺癌、子宫癌等癌症的防治、戒烟戒酒疗法、太极气功临床处方的探索、失眠症、针刀疗法、骨膜唤醒疗法、世界整合医师论坛等。每一个主题和论坛均与全球人民的健康息息相关,不仅提高世界医学的维度,也将推动人类和地球走向健康、成功、优美、文明、和谐的辉煌的境界。 大会除了设立大型百位老中医义诊外,还有各种高科技产品展览会及国际投资合作洽谈会。12月3日(星期六)在美国硅谷中心的国际医药大学核宇厅特设高维医学论坛,义诊和产品展览,全球公益活动。 注册链接: 注册费$25,继续教育学分$10一个学分。早鸟价11月28日之前注册全部免费。 (三天大会将提供24个继续教育学分,每天8个学分。) 论文/发表征集: 论文征集及要求: 论文的内容范围:补充与整合医学、针灸、太极气功、能量时空医学、中西药、临床执业、教育、科研、及中医立法等内容均可。 征稿要求: 提交论文时,首页应该包括以下内容:姓名(中文及英文拼音)、性别、工作单位地址、联系方式(电话、微信、电子邮件)个人简介100字,论文摘要(中、英文 各 300 字以内)、演讲PPT 录制一段20分钟以内的演讲视频。 采用 Word 文档格式,并将论文用电子邮件发送到大会的论文收稿邮箱,请发送邮件给: 投稿电子邮件的「主题」(Subject)请标明「整合医学论文—作者 XXX」 论文发表及论文评审印刷费 $200 。评审后可授予优秀论文奖。 截止日期:2023年 11月20日前提交,可安排大会发言或收入大会论文汇编。入选论文会择优推荐到核心期刊发表。 欢迎大家投稿,期待各位参会。 中国联系方式:高精鍊博士 电话:13922123333 Email: 海外总联络人:傅学理博士(美国) Tel: 001 626 215 3353 微信:jackf33533353(傅院长) …
2022 Graduation Ceremony
UEWM Campus 1997-2022
Transfer Days: Canada College & Foot-Hill College
2019 Graduation Ceremony
2019 Chinese New Year
Michael C.
Best acupuncture I ever visit, this is a university with students and doctors and their equipment and traditional medicine is provided at less expensive price. No appointment, just walk in and first come first serve. And special thank you for “Summer” and “Winter” my favorite students at all time. Congratulations on your graduation next month. Thank you for giving your best experience
Susan W.
After taking Qi Guan lessons with Dr. Wang for three months, my posture is getting better. I am standing straighter than before, plus my waist is smaller and it has increased my energy a lot.
No more need for naps in the afternoon, now that my sleep at night is more deep and restful. I wake up without tossing and turning, and every morning my blankets look neat like I am just about to get into bed. Sometimes, I think did I actually go to sleep last night?
I am so happy to have rejoin Dr. Want to learn HeGuan glorious Qi Guan after a 28 years break. Dr Wang also uses acupuncture and helps us open meridian points. I would highly recommend to anyone who wants to improve their general health and sleep quality to come to this place!!
Ian Sy LAc
UEWM, thank you for your program! I am a self-starter and deeply motivated, but needed the guidance to the right materials. I chose your school because of the high quality of graduates you send onwards to the California Acupuncture License Exam.
Your support these past 3 years gave me all the foundations needed to pass the California Acupuncture License Exam and receive my MSTCM.
I am ramping up to come back for the DAOM, so see you again soon!
Key Bahk
I just want to make a testimony about study in the DAOM program. The Doctoral program (DAOM) at the University of East-West Medicine is unlike any other I’ve observed. Every part of the program is geared towards putting the students’ needs first. Not only are the teachers chock full of clinical experience, but they are actually willing to share and teach from that personal experience. Free discussion is encouraged on all kinds of clinical challenges, making the school environment a nurturing atmosphere that is truly conducive to a holistic education. The openness of the classrooms is reflected even in the comprehensiveness of the curricula, proving once again that the university’s primary goal is to provide a complete and quality tutelage for all students. Besides the professors, even the administrative staff holds the collective goal of providing any and every resource for each individual student. They work with students to ensure the accommodation of their needs in every way possible. I consider myself incredibly lucky to be part of this DAOM program, as not only is it an affordable program, but I believe it is also one of the best one.
Rafiq Rahim
Committing my future to the University of East-West Medicine has turned out to be one of the most important and amazing decisions of my life. It feels so absolutely right and I only regret that I did not start sooner. Studying for my goal of DAOM achievement is exciting and a Challenge that is changing my life already in many ways. I have learned a different way of looking at health and diseases with the help of my professors. I want to particularly thank one lady teacher Miss, SHANSHAN LEE
who explains so clearly and precisely. She makes things easier to understand while she is so patient. She takes the time to be sure you get the full picture.
Zhengfeng Xia
I am a student here and I will graduate by the end of this year! I have already been internship at the clinic. I have always liked Chinese medicine very much. I didn’t expect to have a chance to become a professional acupuncturist in the United States. I am very grateful to the school having Chinese class too, which solved my very big trouble!
Shirley Zhu
In the afternoon on April 19, 2017, I came to University of East West Medicine hoping to find a doctor who could treat my post-concussion headache caused by a rear-ended car accident in February. When I learned that Dr. Wang knew how to open the gates in the body, I was willing to give a try.
After the car accident happened in February 2017, I had a severe headache and could not sleep in the night. I went to Stanford Emergency Care, seeing the doctors in Stanford Emergency Department, my primary doctor, and the doctors in Stanford Concussion Clinic. They could not find the reasons causing the headache. The only medicine I received was Tylenol. From February to April, I took 42 pills of Tylenol and 11 pills of Motrin. But it only temporarily relieved the pain. The doctor in the Concussion Clinic gave me a referral form so I could find a therapist near me. But the Therapist canceled the appointment the day before the appointment because the approval from my medical insurance was not received.
My work requires a lot of brain thinking which caused a constant severe headache. I became nervous in the day and was not able to concentrate while I was working. I was afraid of the symptoms I had: severe headache, insomnia, depression, and lower back pain caused by the car accident.
I heard a friend recently had a car accident and his headache was cured in the University of East-West Medicine. That was why I came to University of East-West Medicine. I was glad that I met Dr. Wang on April 19, 2017. Dr. Wang checked my neck and said that I need to have an X-ray on the neck and spine because the blood circulation in the head was not smooth. He said that I looked very depressed. With Dr. Wang’s referral, I took X-Ray in Image Center. The report of the X-Ray says “Hyper-mobility on extension at the C3/4 level…” The X-ray report indicated that my spine cord at C3/4 had shifted 2mm which caused headache. On April 21 I brought the X-Ray report and CD of the X-Ray to Dr. Wang. Since then I visited Dr. Wang three times a week for a few weeks. After that I received treatment twice a week. He gave me acupuncture, hot Chinese medicine bag, massage, and opening the body gates. I started to join Chi Gong class. From Chi Gong class, I learned Herguan quantum glorious universe and the beauty of the harmony between universe and human body. How the energy of the universe can come into human body and drives away the pains and diseases after the body gates are opened. Every night before I go to bed I practiced 30 minutes Chi Gong that Dr. Wang taught in the class. I was able to sleep deeply in the night since I practiced Chi Gong. I stopped taking Tylenol and Motrin. I noticed that after three weeks treatment my walking steps were faster than before. The energy came back to my body. I was able to smile naturally. The most important was my headache reduced from level 7-8 to level 2-3. I was able to concentrate when I was working. After a five months treatments, the pain in the head was under the control. Depression and lower back pain disappeared.
Dr. Wang noticed that my blood pressure was high since the first day I came to the clinic. (My blood pressure was normal before the car accident.) After one month treatment from Dr. Wang, the blood pressure became normal. To my surprise was my headache had a big improvement since then. I felt no more sharp pain in the head.
The intern students in the University of East West Medicine are kind and care the patients. I am impressed for their professional attitude, knowledge, diligent, and eager to learn.
I find the treatments at East-West Medicine highly beneficial.
It is a teaching University so you will experience different students/Drs treating you. I esp enjoy Amy Jung and Dr. Wu. They have been exceptionally helpful!
Dr. Iben Acupuncture
The school deserves a five star rating because the combination of varies factors make this school a preferred place to be. It has a large Chinese language program, probably the largest in California. Both Master’s and Doctorate programs in both English and Chinese languages are accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. The tuition is competitive. The location is excellent. Most importantly, it has a very high passing rate for the state acupuncture license exam.