Online Full Text Journals
American Family Physician
The bulk of the online archives for American Family Physician (AFP) and Family Practice Management(FPM) is open to all.
Online access to content in new issues is restricted to AAFP members and paid subscribers. Free full text is available for selected items. All content of each issue is made freely available about one year after publication.
American Journal of Chinese Medicine
The American Journal of Chinese Medicine, which is defined in its broadest sense possible, publishes original articles and essays relating to traditional or ethnomedicine of all cultures. Areas of particular interest include: basic scientific and clinical research in indigenous medical techniques, therapeutic procedures, medicinal plants, and traditional medical techniques, therapeutic procedures, medicinal plants, and traditional medical theories and concepts; multidisciplinary study of medical practice and health care, especially from historical, cultural, public health, and socioeconomic perspectives; international policy implications of comparative studies of medicine in all cultures, including such issues as health in developing countries, affordability and transferability of health-care techniques and concepts; translating scholarly ancient texts, or modern publications on ethnomedicine.
BioMed Central — Open Access Publisher
Articles published by BioMed Central are accessible online immediately upon publication. It includes but not limited to over 130 peer reviewed journals ranging from AID to Virology.
CAOD China/Asia on Demand
Oriprobe provides 1500 journals and updates them weekly. It is accessible on campus only for three packages: Health/Medicine/Biology, Medline Collection, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. It allows students to receive articles via email, download, or print out. The database offers customized information platforms, digital resources collections, translation, and information retrieval services from China as well as other parts of Asia.
Free Medical Journal – Promoting free access
Links to medical journals that provide free full text access. The access to free scientific knowledge will have a major impact on medical practice and attract Internet visitors to these journals.
is founded in 1998 provide free consumer health information for patients, families, and health care providers on-line. The site contains information from the United States National Library of Medicine, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), other U.S. government agencies, and health-related organizations. The U.S. National Library of Medicine produces and maintains the site.
MedlinePlus East-to-read
uses simple languages with clear health information from various reading levels, from 3rd grade level up to high school level, being published by many organizations for all kinds of health issues.
PubMed Central
PubMed Central (PMC) is a digital archive of life sciences journal literature that includes more than two million articles, includes final, peer-reviewed author manuscripts by scientists and others who receive research funding from NIH and other funding agencies. For information on submission for NIH-funded manuscripts, please visit the NIH Manuscript Submission System homepage. PMC provides free access to articles from journals that deposit their content in the archive. Although the articles are free, they are still protected by copyright. (See PMC Copyright Information for more information.)
PMC is not a publisher and does not publish journal articles itself.(Find out how journal publishers can participate in PMC).
PMC is managed by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM).
JMAJ Japan Medical Association Journal
The Japan Medical Association Journal (JMAJ) an official English journal of the Japan Medical Association (JMA), was first published in 1956 under the title of “the Asian Medical Journal” until it was change to the current title in 2001. For over 50 years, the JMA Journal has played an important role in transmitting the latest information to medical researchers and institutions iv over 110 countries in the world about the JMA’s policies and activities as well as healthcare and public health in Japan.