
Jun 3, 2015

They’ve had success in life. Long careers full of laudable accomplishments at the top of their fields. Engineers who successfully rose with the tech surge of Silicon Valley. Product Managers who keenly oversaw the development of their creations. Marketing Directors who effectively differentiated their product from all other brands. They are women and men who have worked tirelessly to keep up with cutting-edge technology throughout their profession so that their families may live comfortable lives. They’re practical people who have relied on quantitative data, science and technology, and proper planning to meet their end goals in life.

And then they decide to become acupuncturists. At first, I could not understand why such a surprising amount of the student body at the University of East-West Medicine comes from corporate America. It seemed almost ironic to me that people who have spent their lives relying on up-to-date quantitative data would then choose to pursue a second career grounded in tradition and intuition. The majority of these students wouldn’t bother using an operating system that is 20 years old (think Windows ’95), so why would they use a medicinal system that is over 5,000 years old? While the answer isn’t the exact same for every person, I have found a few…read more.

UEWM Shines with TCM and Earns Tai Chi Gold Medal in 2023 Northern California Chinese Culture and Sports Association Sports Conference

On August 12th (US Pacific Time), the 21st Northern California Chinese Culture and Sports Association “Guarding the Original Aspiration, Embarking on a New Journey” Sports Conference commenced in Redwood City, San Francisco Bay Area. A procession of 109 groups from …


8月12日(美国时间),第二十一届北加州华人文化体育协会“守望初心、再启新程”运动大会,在旧金山湾区红木城举行盛大开幕式,旧金山湾区109家团体(包括武术团队)组成的方阵队伍陆续走过中央检阅台。国际医药大学(University of East-West Medicine) 也参加了分列队出行活动。近5000人参加了当天各项文化体育活动。国际医药大学的参赛者们在太极拳锦标赛中取得了数枚的奖牌。 当天上午,美国知名主持人、丁丁电视创办人丁维平主持开幕式。运动员代表高举火炬入场,进行了圣火点燃仪式。北加州华人文化体育协会执行长李竞芬致词中讲到,华体会举办的运动大会,是中国大陆、台湾、香港之外最大规模的华人运动会,体现了奥林匹克精神、团结和平、友谊进步。中国驻旧金山总领事张建敏发表讲话,体育运动的魅力和美好让不同族裔、不同文化背景的人相聚一起,它打破障碍、超越差异,使社会更加包容和谐。 国际医药大学(University of East-West Medicine) 在庄严而令人振奋的分列队出行活动中,为世人展现了中医白衣天使的崇高精神,同时也向世界传达了中华传统文化的深厚内涵。近年来,中医在美国尤其是湾区的日益流行,而国际医药大学在中医领域的卓越贡献更是不可忽视。其积极投身中医事业的努力,为推动中医在国际舞台上的发展繁荣贡献了汗马功劳。 国际医药大学在中医教育和研究方面一直走在前沿。学校培养了众多杰出的中医人才,为推动中医药学的现代化和国际化进程提供了坚实的支持。该校不仅致力于传承中医经典理论,更重视将中医与现代医学相结合,为人类健康事业做出积极贡献。在国际医药大学的校园中,中医的智慧和技艺得以传承,弘扬中华文化的使命在每一位师生的心中生根发芽。 与此同时,国际医药大学还以其在太极和气功领域的声名远扬。正所谓“武医同源”,太极作为中华武术的瑰宝,不仅是一种出色的强身健体运动,更被视为一门疗愈身心健康的艺术。在国际医药大学,太极和气功的教学和实践成为了学生全面培养的一部分,帮助他们在紧张的学习生活中保持平衡和健康。 开幕式当天举行的太极内家拳锦标赛,是华体会重头戏之一,突出太极文化是今年华体会一大特色,从田径广场开幕式上百人24式太极拳表演,到体育馆内太极名家表演,太极推手表演、太极防身技巧对练和太极內家拳錦标赛.  处处显示了中华武术文化的博大精深。体育馆内的名师表演精彩纷呈,方国旋老师的孙式太极拳,唐伟英老师的長苗刀,郑一凡老师的陈式太极剑,李建莉老师的陈式综合太极拳套路,Peter  Tram的白眉 镇山耙,Francis Tram 的白眉虎頭双鉤,迟绍和老师与李枚老师的太极定步活步推手与活步大捋,各显神通,赢得大众喝彩,太极锦标赛总共有100人次参加、30个太极项目,其中共产生三个全能总冠军,分别由美禧卓安、邓向阳、林金姿获得,美禧卓安的杨式太极刀,腾挪闪扬、刀法威猛;邓向阳挥舞着陈氏太极春秋大刀,窜蹦跳跃、劈砍抹推,非常到位。 华体会广场百人表演太极与太极锦标赛,由华体会副执行長兼太极处处長以及国际医药大学太极学院院长林元闿担任总指挥,共有旧金山湾区十个太极隊联合表演24式太极拳,由屡获各项武术太极大赛冠軍的美禧卓安在百人阵前带领表演。全场队伍整齐划一,井然有序,动作舒缓,充分体现了贵柔、贵和、贵化的太极精神。 旅美书法艺术家王跃进,别名“一笔王”,获奖无数,曾一笔书写5200个连笔空心字创世界基尼斯纪录,还曾剪下3180个雪花剪纸图案再创“世界纪录协会”的世界纪录。他当场挥毫「华体太极圆满成功」! 国际医药大学特别参加了太极内家拳锦标赛,其中的太极防身技巧对练展示了太极的应用性,把太极的招式运用到武术、防身、擒拿,以柔克刚,四两拨千斤,突破了大家对太极的传统认识,让观众叹为观止,改技法展示也荣获金牌。国际医药大学参赛的选手们也获得了大大小小个人和团体太极比赛的奖牌。 通过此次参加华体会分列队出行活动和太极拳锦标赛,国际医药大学再次向世人展示了其对中医和中华文化的高度重视。他们的努力不仅是为了培养优秀的医疗人才,更是为了传递中医智慧,弘扬中华文化的使命。国际医药大学将继续致力于中医事业的发展,为全球健康事业做出更大的贡献! 查看更多精彩瞬间:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xJ-Q2s8l0W8ijf0sBbhw_kxMv_ktQm51izCyL6ia3Jc/edit?usp=sharing

Why University of East-West Medicine?

Why UEWM?   The University of East-West Medicine has launched great health in Silicon Valley to promote health for professionals and their families in Silicon Valley by offering free check-ups. Joined with the World Federation of Integrative Medicine in collaboration …

Acupuncture is going mainstream

To reach this level, an organization like World Health Organization (WHO) recommends acupuncture for over 100 conditions based on clinical research on insomnia and stress. Time Magazine introduces acupuncture as a safer and more effective treatment for pain. The National …

UEWM Clinic Reopening 1 June 2020

Dear communities, We are pleased to announce that we are open and seeing patients in our clinic every Wednesday and Saturday for all services since 1 June 2020. Our specialty for this trying times is focusing on immune system boosting, …

Dr. Huang Huang Lectures About Classic Herbal Formulas

This weekend at UEWM: The prestigious Dr. Huang Huang, from Nanjing University, has come from China to give a lecture series in our CEU program! He will be going over Classic Herbal Formulas. Patient Letter MAR 13, 2015 Always a …

Dr. Huang Huang Lectures About Classic Herbal Formulas

This weekend at UEWM: The prestigious Dr. Huang Huang, from Nanjing University, has come from China to give a lecture series in our CEU program! He will be going over Classic Herbal Formulas.

Why Working Professionals Are Becoming Acupuncturists

They’ve had success in life. Long careers full of laudable accomplishments at the top of their fields. Engineers who successfully rose with the tech surge of Silicon Valley. Product Managers who keenly oversaw the development of their creations. Marketing Directors …

Jane and the Acupuncturist Neurosurgeon

As a way to help spread awareness of Traditional Chinese Medicine and promote UEWM’s programs, the Admissions Department regularly attends outside events while hosting booths and offering free medical check-ups. During these events, we often encounter interesting individuals with fascinating …

Acupoints of the Feet

Foot acupunture is not typically practiced by most acupuncturists. The thick skin of the feet’s sole prevent the proper placement of the needles and and can cause unnecessary discomfort. Acupuncturists may choose more accessible points on the body which share …

Dr. Huang Huang Lectures About Classic Herbal Formulas

This weekend at UEWM: The prestigious Dr. Huang Huang, from Nanjing University, has come from China to give a lecture series in our CEU program! He will be going over Classic Herbal Formulas. Patient Letter MAR 13, 2015 Always a …

Patient Letter

Always a pleasure to receive letters such as this one! A patient’s gratitude is our most precious reward 🙂

Tai Chi Delegation

A wonderful two days full of speeches and workshops by some of the world’s finest Tai Chi practitioners.

Acupuncture Licensing Exam Study Guide

The licensing exam is coming up! Do you know what to study?

Random Fact: February

Did you know: Acupunture and Oriental Medicine is extremely individualized. For example, 20 people with a flu may all have different acupunture points chosen as part of their treatment!

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