University of East-West Medicine, Administration Office
595 Lawrence Expressway, Sunnyvale CA94085
(408) 733-1878

Fields marked (*) are required

Student's Information
  1. ,
  2. No spaces or brackets e.g. 9999999999 Your mobile number is valid

  3. Please enter a valid email address e.g. swapnil@example.com Your email address is now valid

  4. Your postcode is out of range between 10001 - 999999 Your postcode is in the correct range

  5. (If you don't have student ID, please enter: 0)
  6. MSTCM     DAOM     Tuina Massage

  7. Curernt Student Former Student
  8. To:

  9. Total Official Transcripts requested * (Each Copy: $30.00, replacement diploma: $150)

Please read and check the agreement
  1. I hereby certify that all information provided by me on this form is accurate and I have read, and I understand the Transcript Request instruction provided by the UEWM office:

    1) Routine request will be processed within 7 business days once received.
    2) Transcripts are not issued unitl all accounts with UEWM are cleared.
    3) Transcripts from other colleges cannot be duplicated. Request each school directly for copies of their transcripts.