Karina Bai – UEWM https://uewm.edu University Of East West Medicine Mon, 18 Mar 2024 20:44:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://uewm.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/favicon.png Karina Bai – UEWM https://uewm.edu 32 32 道药的鉴别与炮制 https://uewm.edu/ceu/%e9%81%93%e8%8d%af%e7%9a%84%e9%89%b4%e5%88%ab%e4%b8%8e%e7%82%ae%e5%88%b6?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=%25e9%2581%2593%25e8%258d%25af%25e7%259a%2584%25e9%2589%25b4%25e5%2588%25ab%25e4%25b8%258e%25e7%2582%25ae%25e5%2588%25b6 https://uewm.edu/ceu/%e9%81%93%e8%8d%af%e7%9a%84%e9%89%b4%e5%88%ab%e4%b8%8e%e7%82%ae%e5%88%b6#respond Mon, 18 Mar 2024 20:08:26 +0000 https://uewm.edu/?p=16954













1.真阳大还丹:主治肾精亏虚引起的阳痿、早泄、没有性欲、没有想法、感觉活着没劲。肾精亏引起的青、中、老年人 健忘(早期老年痴呆)。肾精亏引起的忧郁症(感觉生活都是灰暗的,活着没意思。)










  1. 道医用药鉴别:鉴别中药真假、伪劣、道地产地。
  2. 中药炮制:通过炮制炼化给每一味药材加强或改变入经脏腑的药气性味)使其快速引经入脏直通患处。道药炮制的方法,让所炮制每一味上药具有君王的药气,主养命。让所炮制的每一味中药具有臣的药气,主养性。让所炮制的每一味下药具有佐使的药气,主治病。




https://uewm.edu/ceu/%e9%81%93%e8%8d%af%e7%9a%84%e9%89%b4%e5%88%ab%e4%b8%8e%e7%82%ae%e5%88%b6/feed 0
the 7th World Federation of Integrative Medicine https://uewm.edu/uncategorized/the-7th-world-federation-of-integrative-medicine?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-7th-world-federation-of-integrative-medicine https://uewm.edu/uncategorized/the-7th-world-federation-of-integrative-medicine#respond Sat, 18 Nov 2023 03:13:07 +0000 https://uewm.edu/?p=16611

Faced with the suffering from diseases and various disasters that humanity is experiencing today, undoubtedly, it has brought great difficulties to individuals, families, and society. Medicine knows no borders. In recent years, there has been a rising trend in integrative medicine, combining Western medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and other medical practices to avoid over-treatment, better protect life, and promote health and longevity. This has gained high attention from the medical community worldwide, contributing to the global rise of traditional Chinese medicine and herbal remedies. Promoting integrative medicine to enhance human health is also the mission and goal of the World Federation of Integrative Medicine Societies.

The 7th World Congress of Integrative Medicine will be held both online and offline from December 1 to 3. This congress, organized by the World Federation of Integrative Medicine Societies in collaboration with the International University of Medicine in the Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center in China and the International University of Medicine in Silicon Valley, aims to promote the development of global integrative medicine and highlight the combination of ancient wisdom and modern methods.

The theme of this congress is “Great Medicine, Great Health, Great Industry,” focusing on the integration of traditional Chinese medicine principles such as holistic view, qi-blood theory, meridian theory, and reversible perspective, along with Western medicine’s “quantum biomedical” approach. The goal is to create a “World Health Community.” It is expected that nearly 8,000 experts and scholars from more than 60 countries will participate in this congress, including over 20 academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, more than 50 deans of medical schools, over 300 hospital directors, over 500 medical and health-related companies, and more than 60 healthcare investment institutions. The congress will also feature 100 experienced traditional Chinese medicine practitioners providing on-site consultations and acupuncture to address difficult and complex cases.

The main topics of the congress include nuclear quantum medicine, digital traditional Chinese medicine, quantum traditional Chinese medicine, child development and intellectual development, women’s health, men’s health, integrative medicine beauty, anti-aging and dementia prevention for the elderly, adult hypertension, high blood sugar, high uric acid, new methods for the prevention and treatment of high cholesterol and high blood lipids, post-COVID sequelae prevention and treatment, cardiovascular diseases, dental diseases, breast cancer, uterine cancer, and other cancer prevention and treatment, smoking and alcohol cessation therapy, exploration of clinical prescriptions for Tai Chi Qigong, insomnia, acupuncture therapy, bone membrane awakening therapy, World Integrative Physician Forum, etc. Each theme and forum are closely related to the health of people worldwide, not only elevating the dimension of global medicine but also driving humanity and the Earth towards a splendid realm of health, success, beauty, civilization, and harmony.

In addition to hosting a large-scale event with a hundred experienced traditional Chinese medicine practitioners offering consultations, there will also be various high-tech product exhibitions and international investment cooperation negotiations. On December 3 (Saturday), a High-Dimensional Medicine Forum will be held in the Nuclear Hall of the International University of Medicine in Silicon Valley, featuring consultations and product exhibitions, as well as global public welfare activities.

Registration Link:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-7th-world-conference-of-integrative-medicine-tickets-733970053187?aff=invitation

Chinese contact:Dr. Jinglian Gao


Email: 1515353782@qq.com

Global contact:Dr. Xueli Fu

Tel: 001 626 215 3353



Sunnyvale contact: Dr. Jingkun Chen 

Phone: 408-733-1878转157

Address:595 Lawrence Expy, Sunnyvale, CA 94085

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第七届世界整合医学大会 https://uewm.edu/uncategorized/%e7%ac%ac%e4%b8%83%e5%b1%8a%e4%b8%96%e7%95%8c%e6%95%b4%e5%90%88%e5%8c%bb%e5%ad%a6%e5%a4%a7%e4%bc%9a?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=%25e7%25ac%25ac%25e4%25b8%2583%25e5%25b1%258a%25e4%25b8%2596%25e7%2595%258c%25e6%2595%25b4%25e5%2590%2588%25e5%258c%25bb%25e5%25ad%25a6%25e5%25a4%25a7%25e4%25bc%259a https://uewm.edu/uncategorized/%e7%ac%ac%e4%b8%83%e5%b1%8a%e4%b8%96%e7%95%8c%e6%95%b4%e5%90%88%e5%8c%bb%e5%ad%a6%e5%a4%a7%e4%bc%9a#respond Sat, 18 Nov 2023 03:07:57 +0000 https://uewm.edu/?p=16608











  1. 论文的内容范围:补充与整合医学、针灸、太极气功、能量时空医学、中西药、临床执业、教育、科研、及中医立法等内容均可。
  2. 征稿要求: 
    1. 提交论文时,首页应该包括以下内容:姓名(中文及英文拼音)、性别、工作单位地址、联系方式(电话、微信、电子邮件)个人简介100字,论文摘要(中、英文 各 300 字以内)、演讲PPT
    2. 录制一段20分钟以内的演讲视频。
    3. 采用 Word 文档格式,并将论文用电子邮件发送到大会的论文收稿邮箱,请发送邮件给: wimcongress@gmail.com 投稿电子邮件的「主题」(Subject)请标明「整合医学论文—作者 XXX」
    4. 论文发表及论文评审印刷费 $200 。评审后可授予优秀论文奖。
  3. 截止日期:2023年 11月20日前提交,可安排大会发言或收入大会论文汇编。入选论文会择优推荐到核心期刊发表。 




Email: 1515353782@qq.com


Tel: 001 626 215 3353



美国现场负责人: 陈竞坤博士 

电话: 408-733-1878转157

地址:595 Lawrence Expy, Sunnyvale, CA 94085




https://uewm.edu/uncategorized/%e7%ac%ac%e4%b8%83%e5%b1%8a%e4%b8%96%e7%95%8c%e6%95%b4%e5%90%88%e5%8c%bb%e5%ad%a6%e5%a4%a7%e4%bc%9a/feed 0
Mid-Autumn Festival Invitation https://uewm.edu/uncategorized/mid-autumn-festival-invitation?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mid-autumn-festival-invitation https://uewm.edu/uncategorized/mid-autumn-festival-invitation#respond Wed, 27 Sep 2023 21:29:49 +0000 https://uewm.edu/?p=16550 Dear teachers, students, alumni, and friends from the community,

We are currently witnessing the flourishing development of the University of East-West Medicine’s Master’s School and Clinical Medicine School, and the formal initiation of our doctoral school. Even more exciting is the upcoming 7th World Integrative Medicine Congress organized by our university and the “World Integrative Medicine Society Federation,” founded by our university. This grand event will take place from December 1st to 3rd, 2023, at the University of East-West Medicine in the United States and the Guangzhou Import and Export Fair Complex in China! It is anticipated that tens of thousands of attendees will gather in Guangzhou for this event. In addition to high-level academic forums, hundreds of extraordinary ethnic and traditional healers will offer free medical consultations. The congress will feature eighteen academic forums with renowned scholars from over a hundred countries, including grandmasters of traditional medicine, academicians from various nations, and distinguished researchers from institutions such as Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford. Together, they will tackle a wide range of threats to human health on a multidimensional and global scale!

During this event, world-renowned medical experts will participate in high-level forums on integrative medicine, the use of AI, quantum medicine, and more. The forum topics will span from the ninth-dimensional high-dimensional consciousness, knowledge, and spiritual diseases to the sixth-dimensional sub-health conditions. It will delve deep into the third-dimensional disease crisis zones.

To express our gratitude for the enthusiastic participation and support of colleagues, peers, enthusiasts of both Eastern and Western medicine, and patients seeking medical advice from all over the world, we are offering free admission to all global attendees. In addition, University of East-West Medicine will provide continuing education credits for over three hundred international experts, thousands of joint clinics (including all our master’s and doctoral graduates), and free 24 credits for licensed Chinese medicine practitioners in the United States.

In this era of remarkable advancements in human nuclear and universal medicine, we also celebrate the 25th Mid-Autumn Festival of our school. This rare occasion of “a bright full moon and a reunion with our alma mater” is a beautiful moment to express our sincere gratitude to our students, teachers, and the dedicated friends from society who have made immense contributions to our school over the past 25 years. Your merits are eternally engraved in the historical annals of University of East-West Medicine’s development.

Over the course of 25 seasons and 25 years of reminiscing, we have thought about your health, your challenges in life and entrepreneurship, the strength of your medical skills, the number of patients you see each day, your workload, insurance matters, and whether you need any assistance from the school. These thoughts reflect our deep concern and genuine care. On the occasion of this joyous Mid-Autumn reunion, we extend a special invitation to all master’s and doctoral graduates, current students, and fellow alumni to return to your alma mater, to your starting point, and relax. The university has prepared delicious meals and nourishing soups for you. We also want to hear from you about your experiences outside and what kind of support you may need from the university. To ensure that both students and teachers can fully relax, the university has arranged for ping pong, basketball, and in the evening, there will be mooncakes, wine, exquisite cuisine, a variety of exciting prizes, and riddles to solve. There will also be a special session in the university’s Nuclear and Universal Garden, where you can practice under the inspiring moonlight, providing you with a true experience of the unity of heaven and man, the natural order, and the harmony between humans and the moon.

The Mid-Autumn Festival celebration will be held on September 27th (Wednesday), and we cordially invite all current students, alumni, and teachers to attend. We also extend a special invitation to friends from various walks of life who are interested in traditional Chinese acupuncture, seeking medical advice, and the community at large to join us for this grand event!

Event Date: 9/27 (Wednesday) 18:00-20:00 pm Event Location: University of East-West Medicine, 2nd Floor, Nuclear and Universal Hall 595 Lawrence Expy Suite 103, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Please visit our website: www.uewm.edu Direct phone line: 408-733-1878 ext. 144, 157

University of East-West Medicine warmly welcomes you! 👏👏👏

Dr. Wang Yingqiu, President of University of East-West Medicine Together with all members of the University’s Board of Trustees, extend their warm invitation.

https://uewm.edu/uncategorized/mid-autumn-festival-invitation/feed 0
中秋晚会邀请函 https://uewm.edu/uncategorized/%e4%b8%ad%e7%a7%8b%e6%99%9a%e4%bc%9a%e9%82%80%e8%af%b7%e5%87%bd?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=%25e4%25b8%25ad%25e7%25a7%258b%25e6%2599%259a%25e4%25bc%259a%25e9%2582%2580%25e8%25af%25b7%25e5%2587%25bd https://uewm.edu/uncategorized/%e4%b8%ad%e7%a7%8b%e6%99%9a%e4%bc%9a%e9%82%80%e8%af%b7%e5%87%bd#respond Wed, 27 Sep 2023 21:12:51 +0000 https://uewm.edu/?p=16547 亲爱的老师们、同学们、校友们及社区新老朋友们,


活动时间:9/27( 周三 )18:00-20:00pm
595 Lawrence Expy Suite 103, Sunnyvale, CA 94085
请游缆网站:www uewm @edu

携校务委员会全体人员 共同盛邀

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第七届世界整合医学大会将于12月1日盛大举行 https://uewm.edu/uncategorized/%e7%ac%ac%e4%b8%83%e5%b1%8a%e4%b8%96%e7%95%8c%e6%95%b4%e5%90%88%e5%8c%bb%e5%ad%a6%e5%a4%a7%e4%bc%9a%e5%b0%86%e4%ba%8e12%e6%9c%881%e6%97%a5%e7%9b%9b%e5%a4%a7%e4%b8%be%e8%a1%8c?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=%25e7%25ac%25ac%25e4%25b8%2583%25e5%25b1%258a%25e4%25b8%2596%25e7%2595%258c%25e6%2595%25b4%25e5%2590%2588%25e5%258c%25bb%25e5%25ad%25a6%25e5%25a4%25a7%25e4%25bc%259a%25e5%25b0%2586%25e4%25ba%258e12%25e6%259c%25881%25e6%2597%25a5%25e7%259b%259b%25e5%25a4%25a7%25e4%25b8%25be%25e8%25a1%258c https://uewm.edu/uncategorized/%e7%ac%ac%e4%b8%83%e5%b1%8a%e4%b8%96%e7%95%8c%e6%95%b4%e5%90%88%e5%8c%bb%e5%ad%a6%e5%a4%a7%e4%bc%9a%e5%b0%86%e4%ba%8e12%e6%9c%881%e6%97%a5%e7%9b%9b%e5%a4%a7%e4%b8%be%e8%a1%8c#respond Sun, 03 Sep 2023 03:18:24 +0000 https://uewm.edu/?p=16523 世界整合医学学会联合会(World Federation of Integrative Medicine)与国际医药大学(University of East-West Medicine)正式宣布,备受瞩目的第七届世界整合医学大会将于今年12月1日至3日盛大召开!这一盛事将以前所未有的规模和创新,通过在线和线下相结合的方式,同时在美国和中国两地同步举行,引领着全球医学界迈向新的高度。



联系 6wimcongress@gmail.com 报名参加!








十大整合医学领军人物:王英秋校长, 江丹教授 ,郑建华博士,田海河教授,苏华昌教授,陈业孟校长,朱勉生教授,程晓明教授,辛长山教授,杨金生教授,


十大医学学术贡献奖:袁炳胜博士 ,陈平青教授, 林玲 教授,刘蓓教授,任旭林教授,王列真教授、张海生教授,王德凤校长,魏媛教授,


十大中医药创新贡献奖,唐铁军 教授,李玉进教授,李云海教授,梅和咏教授,韦坚教授,朱正高教授、杨常青教授,任丽萍教授,王境平教授,王天俊教授,杨长俊教授

十大创新学术体系名医:陈德成教授,格桑泽仁教授,李荣刚教授, 王乔华院士,欧阳晖博士,毛小妹教授 ,曹世和教授,钱德金教授,刘京教授,林丹干教授,张建朝教授 。

十大太极名师:翁启修教授,方国旋教授,任刚教授,李晖大师,,叶志威大师,傅请泉教授,赵亮大师,刘绥滨大师,Bill 林元闓大师,俞国建教授,

十大优秀教授:卢胜春教授,卢致鹏院士,Marry Jo教授,朱正高教授,Steven Rosenblatt教授,shin lin教授,刘丰教授,吴继华院士,魏坤院士,巩昌镇教授,景在平教授,等八个十大特别奖,还有世界整合医学大会杰出人才奖:刘东教授,萧暮如医生,道森博士,张文莉博士,张晓蕊博士,张军教授,方凡夫教授等。


学术委员会主席江丹教授表示,大会 从465篇论文中评选出了100篇优秀论文。并对各位医生在这几年的疫情当中做出的贡献进行了表彰。终身共同主席郑建华表示:由世界整合医学学会联合会及美国国际医药大学共同主办的“第七届世界世界整合医学大会”初步决定在12月1-3日隆重举行,将在第六届全球最著名的23家医学机构联合主办基础上再增加三家联合主办单位,参加大会的机构也将从原来的126家继续增加一些。


1. 参加大会:关注公众号“世界整合医学联盟”回复“报名7”或联系微信uewm1997 获得更多报名讯息

2. 学术发表:发送简历、联系方式、发表主题与摘要以及合作意向,发送到邮箱wfih@uewm.edu

https://uewm.edu/uncategorized/%e7%ac%ac%e4%b8%83%e5%b1%8a%e4%b8%96%e7%95%8c%e6%95%b4%e5%90%88%e5%8c%bb%e5%ad%a6%e5%a4%a7%e4%bc%9a%e5%b0%86%e4%ba%8e12%e6%9c%881%e6%97%a5%e7%9b%9b%e5%a4%a7%e4%b8%be%e8%a1%8c/feed 0
UEWM Shines with TCM and Earns Tai Chi Gold Medal in 2023 Northern California Chinese Culture and Sports Association Sports Conference https://uewm.edu/news/uewm-shines-with-tcm-and-earns-tai-chi-gold-medal-in-2023-northern-california-chinese-culture-and-sports-association-sports-conference?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=uewm-shines-with-tcm-and-earns-tai-chi-gold-medal-in-2023-northern-california-chinese-culture-and-sports-association-sports-conference https://uewm.edu/news/uewm-shines-with-tcm-and-earns-tai-chi-gold-medal-in-2023-northern-california-chinese-culture-and-sports-association-sports-conference#respond Wed, 16 Aug 2023 22:43:01 +0000 https://uewm.edu/?p=16509 On August 12th (US Pacific Time), the 21st Northern California Chinese Culture and Sports Association “Guarding the Original Aspiration, Embarking on a New Journey” Sports Conference commenced in Redwood City, San Francisco Bay Area. A procession of 109 groups from the Bay Area, including martial arts teams, graced the central reviewing stand. The University of East-West Medicine proudly participated in the parade, while nearly 5000 individuals engaged in diverse cultural and sports activities. The university’s participants earned multiple medals in the Tai Chi tournament.

Representing the University of East-West Medicine, this event showcased the elegance of traditional Chinese medicine and culture. Amid the procession of 109 groups from the Bay Area, the university’s contingent added grandeur. Themed “Guarding the Original Aspiration, Embarking on a New Journey,” the event celebrated Chinese culture and sports, attracting thousands for cultural exchange and physical activity.

The University’s remarkable achievements in the Tai Chi tournament stood out. Participants demonstrated their Tai Chi skills, earning medals, including a prestigious gold medal. This reinforced the University’s dedication to traditional Chinese medicine and holistic well-being.

This participation highlighted the university’s commitment to preserving traditional medicine and active involvement in cultural and sporting communities. University representatives excelled in Tai Chi, contributing excellence to the festivities. This showcased the institution’s commitment to cultural heritage and holistic health, symbolizing contributions to broader values.

Renowned American host and Ding Ding TV founder, Ding Weiping, presided over the opening ceremony. Athlete representatives ignited the sacred flame in a torch-bearing ceremony. Li Jingfen, Executive Director of the Northern California Chinese Culture and Sports Association, emphasized the conference’s status as the largest gathering of Chinese athletes outside the mainland. Zhang Jianmin, Chinese Consul General in San Francisco, highlighted sports’ inclusive nature across different backgrounds, fostering unity.

The University of East-West Medicine’s representation once again demonstrated the noble spirit of traditional Chinese medicine. It conveyed the essence of Chinese culture and made noteworthy contributions to the popularity of Chinese medicine in the US, particularly the Bay Area.

The University remains at the forefront of Chinese medicine education and research, fostering talents and supporting modernization. It integrates traditional and modern medicine for humanity’s health. Its campus passes down Chinese medical wisdom, nurturing cultural promotion.

The University’s engagement resonates with its commitment to tradition and Chinese heritage dissemination. This active involvement bridges East and West, promoting cultural harmony.

Simultaneously, the University of East-West Medicine shines in Tai Chi and Qigong. These arts share an origin, and Tai Chi, a gem of Chinese martial arts, enhances physical health and heals the body and mind. Students embrace Tai Chi and Qigong for balanced well-being.

The Tai Chi Internal Martial Arts Championship, a highlight of the Huati Sports Conference, displayed Tai Chi culture’s significance. Diverse performances, from the opening ceremony’s 24-movement Tai Chi routine to demonstrations by masters, reflected the depth of Chinese martial arts culture.

Esteemed instructors’ performances captivated the audience. From Sun-style Tai Chi to Long Miao saber and Chen-style Tai Chi sword, each demonstration showcased extraordinary skills.

The championship featured 100 participants across 30 Tai Chi categories. Mei Xi Zhuo’an, Deng Xiangyang, and Lin Jinzi emerged as overall champions, impressing with their techniques. The University of East-West Medicine’s dedication to Tai Chi resonated with Mei Xi Zhuo’an’s agile Yang-style Tai Chi saber and Deng Xiangyang’s dynamic Chen-style Tai Chi Broad Saber techniques.

The Huati Sports Conference square hosted a Tai Chi performance by a hundred participants, accompanied by the Tai Chi championship. Directed by the University of East-West Medicine’s Lin Yuankai, the demonstration displayed synchronization and the spirit of Tai Chi’s gentleness and harmony.

In essence, the University of East-West Medicine’s participation in the 2023 Northern California Chinese Culture and Sports Association Sports Conference not only exemplified its dedication to the preservation and propagation of traditional Chinese medicine and culture but also underscored its commitment to holistic well-being through the practice of Tai Chi. By showcasing its achievements in both realms, the University of East-West Medicine has truly become a beacon of excellence, embodying the fusion of ancient wisdom with modern understanding, and paving the way for the continued enrichment and advancement of Chinese medicine and Tai Chi on both local and global scales.

https://uewm.edu/news/uewm-shines-with-tcm-and-earns-tai-chi-gold-medal-in-2023-northern-california-chinese-culture-and-sports-association-sports-conference/feed 0
国际医药大学在华体会中向世人展示中医风采并荣获太极金牌 https://uewm.edu/uewm-stories/%e5%9b%bd%e9%99%85%e5%8c%bb%e8%8d%af%e5%a4%a7%e5%ad%a6%e5%9c%a8%e5%8d%8e%e4%bd%93%e4%bc%9a%e4%b8%ad%e5%90%91%e4%b8%96%e4%ba%ba%e5%b1%95%e7%a4%ba%e4%b8%ad%e5%8c%bb%e9%a3%8e%e9%87%87%e5%b9%b6%e8%8d%a3?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=%25e5%259b%25bd%25e9%2599%2585%25e5%258c%25bb%25e8%258d%25af%25e5%25a4%25a7%25e5%25ad%25a6%25e5%259c%25a8%25e5%258d%258e%25e4%25bd%2593%25e4%25bc%259a%25e4%25b8%25ad%25e5%2590%2591%25e4%25b8%2596%25e4%25ba%25ba%25e5%25b1%2595%25e7%25a4%25ba%25e4%25b8%25ad%25e5%258c%25bb%25e9%25a3%258e%25e9%2587%2587%25e5%25b9%25b6%25e8%258d%25a3 https://uewm.edu/uewm-stories/%e5%9b%bd%e9%99%85%e5%8c%bb%e8%8d%af%e5%a4%a7%e5%ad%a6%e5%9c%a8%e5%8d%8e%e4%bd%93%e4%bc%9a%e4%b8%ad%e5%90%91%e4%b8%96%e4%ba%ba%e5%b1%95%e7%a4%ba%e4%b8%ad%e5%8c%bb%e9%a3%8e%e9%87%87%e5%b9%b6%e8%8d%a3#respond Wed, 16 Aug 2023 22:30:45 +0000 https://uewm.edu/?p=16506 8月12日(美国时间),第二十一届北加州华人文化体育协会“守望初心、再启新程”运动大会,在旧金山湾区红木城举行盛大开幕式,旧金山湾区109家团体(包括武术团队)组成的方阵队伍陆续走过中央检阅台。国际医药大学(University of East-West Medicine) 也参加了分列队出行活动。近5000人参加了当天各项文化体育活动。国际医药大学的参赛者们在太极拳锦标赛中取得了数枚的奖牌。


国际医药大学(University of East-West Medicine) 在庄严而令人振奋的分列队出行活动中,为世人展现了中医白衣天使的崇高精神,同时也向世界传达了中华传统文化的深厚内涵。近年来,中医在美国尤其是湾区的日益流行,而国际医药大学在中医领域的卓越贡献更是不可忽视。其积极投身中医事业的努力,为推动中医在国际舞台上的发展繁荣贡献了汗马功劳。



开幕式当天举行的太极内家拳锦标赛,是华体会重头戏之一,突出太极文化是今年华体会一大特色,从田径广场开幕式上百人24式太极拳表演,到体育馆内太极名家表演,太极推手表演、太极防身技巧对练和太极內家拳錦标赛.  处处显示了中华武术文化的博大精深。体育馆内的名师表演精彩纷呈,方国旋老师的孙式太极拳,唐伟英老师的長苗刀,郑一凡老师的陈式太极剑,李建莉老师的陈式综合太极拳套路,Peter  Tram的白眉 镇山耙,Francis Tram 的白眉虎頭双鉤,迟绍和老师与李枚老师的太极定步活步推手与活步大捋,各显神通,赢得大众喝彩,太极锦标赛总共有100人次参加、30个太极项目,其中共产生三个全能总冠军,分别由美禧卓安、邓向阳、林金姿获得,美禧卓安的杨式太极刀,腾挪闪扬、刀法威猛;邓向阳挥舞着陈氏太极春秋大刀,窜蹦跳跃、劈砍抹推,非常到位。






https://uewm.edu/uewm-stories/%e5%9b%bd%e9%99%85%e5%8c%bb%e8%8d%af%e5%a4%a7%e5%ad%a6%e5%9c%a8%e5%8d%8e%e4%bd%93%e4%bc%9a%e4%b8%ad%e5%90%91%e4%b8%96%e4%ba%ba%e5%b1%95%e7%a4%ba%e4%b8%ad%e5%8c%bb%e9%a3%8e%e9%87%87%e5%b9%b6%e8%8d%a3/feed 0
Core Gate Universe Glorious Wellness Day (3.3-3.5) https://uewm.edu/uncategorized/core-gate-universe-glorious-wellness-day-3-3-3-5?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=core-gate-universe-glorious-wellness-day-3-3-3-5 https://uewm.edu/uncategorized/core-gate-universe-glorious-wellness-day-3-3-3-5#respond Mon, 27 Feb 2023 20:36:48 +0000 https://uewm.edu/?p=16233 🔹 In celebration of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the University of East-West Medicine, the Core Gate Alliance, the University of East-West Medicine, and the World Integrated Medicine Association jointly host the “Core Gate Universe Glorious Wellness Day .”
🔹 Date: March 3-5, 2023
🔹 Venue:
In-person: 595 Lawrence Expy Sunnyvale CA 94085,
Online: Zoom room 7558965168
🔹 Phone: 408-733-1878 ext. 102, 144, 127
🔹 Website: www.uewm.edu
Tracy, Sharon, Karina and others will be responsible for on-site admission inquiries, patient organization, and answering guests inquiries. (Full-time participation)
🔹 Mar 3, 10:00 AM – 5:30 PM: Consultation for health/lifestyle, Free check-up, Admission Consultation, and Free Course Trial
Clinic Services: Wen Ding – in charge of reception; Vice President Liu Bei and Wang Liezhen are responsible for arranging health consultations and free physical examinations.
1) Health & lifestyle Consultation
2) Free Check-up/Treatment
3) Free trial courses, including acupuncture, qigong, tai-chi, nutrition, etc.
🔹 Mar 3, 10:15-10:45: Nutrition Lecture in the Great Hall(2nd floor);
Professor: Wang Shurong
Theme: The Secrets of Dietary Nutrition
🔹 Mar 3, 11:00-12:30: Press Conference
Hosts: Jiangnan &Karina Bai (Hosting/Media, etc.)
11:00 AM International Press Conference
1. Dr. Wang Yingqiu, President of the Core Gate Alliance, President of the World Integrated Medicine Association, and President of the UEWM, officially releases international news.
2. Liu Wentao, current Vice Chairman of the UEWM, Executive President of the Core Gate Star Saint Society, delivers a speech.
3. Zhu Yuegang, Vice Dean of the Core Gate Life Science Institute, delivers a speech.
4. The Chief Commander of Core Gate Medicine Army)
5.Wang Liezhen delivers a speech of congratulations.
6.Vice President Liu Bei delivers a 10-minute speech on Core Gate communication and enrollment.
7. President Wang Yingqiu announced the establishment of the International Medical University’s Music College, and Party Wei Guang delivered a speech and sang a song, “The Sound of High-Dimensional Heaven.”
8. President Wang Yingqiu announced the establishment of the International Medical University’s Health Management College, Xiao Qing delivered a speech, and played the famous music: “Qin & Xiao Resonance to Eliminate Disease and Maintain Health”
9. President Wang Yingqiu announced the establishment of the UEWM Yijing (Yi Medicine) College. A video link was set up for a master’s speech on “Yijing and Fengshui Planning.”
10. Other global experts give their congratulations.
11. Professor Wang Ying leads a 10-minute group exercise, followed by a group photo and a tour of the Core Gate Headquarters (595 Lawrence).
🔹Mar 4 10:00AM-5:30PM: Free health consultation, and free trial classes.
Clinic receptionist: Wen Ding
Chief experts: President Wang, Professor Zhong, and others
Health consultation
Free check-ups/treatments
Free trial classes. Including acupuncture, qigong, and tai chi.
🔹Mar 4 5:30PM:Core Gate Universe Glorious Wellness Day Party
Event organizers: Nadja, Ginette
🔹1.President Wang’s 10-15minute speech in English & Qigong.
🔹2.Dr. Clark’s speech about the UEWM academic achievement.
🔹3.Dr. Chong’s speech about the UEWM’s clinic. (5 min)
🔹4. Tracy’s speech about the registration of UEWM and the learning experience as a UEWM Student. (10 min)
🔹5. Ginette’s speech about why she wants to learn the acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine and also why she chooses the UEWM? (10 min)
🔹6.Tai chi (led by Dean Weng), (3 students: 2 female, 1 male), about 10 minutes
🔹7.The 6th World Conference of Integrative Medicine, 8 minutes
🔹8.Congratulations video for January 20th (UK, China, New Zealand)
🔹9.Group photo
🔹10.Meal time (the school prepares main courses, fruits, and drinks, and students from different ethnic groups bring food to share
🔹Mar 5: 10:00AM-5:00PM: Free health and lifestyle consultation, Free check-up and treatment , Admission consultation, and trial classes.

https://uewm.edu/uncategorized/core-gate-universe-glorious-wellness-day-3-3-3-5/feed 0
第六届世界整合医学大会 the 6th World Conference on Integrative Medicine https://uewm.edu/uncategorized/%e7%ac%ac%e5%85%ad%e5%b1%8a%e4%b8%96%e7%95%8c%e6%95%b4%e5%90%88%e5%8c%bb%e5%ad%a6%e5%a4%a7%e4%bc%9a-the-6th-world-conference-on-integrative-medicine?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=%25e7%25ac%25ac%25e5%2585%25ad%25e5%25b1%258a%25e4%25b8%2596%25e7%2595%258c%25e6%2595%25b4%25e5%2590%2588%25e5%258c%25bb%25e5%25ad%25a6%25e5%25a4%25a7%25e4%25bc%259a-the-6th-world-conference-on-integrative-medicine https://uewm.edu/uncategorized/%e7%ac%ac%e5%85%ad%e5%b1%8a%e4%b8%96%e7%95%8c%e6%95%b4%e5%90%88%e5%8c%bb%e5%ad%a6%e5%a4%a7%e4%bc%9a-the-6th-world-conference-on-integrative-medicine#respond Mon, 12 Dec 2022 19:53:57 +0000 https://uewm.edu/?p=16151 You are invited to the 6th World Conference on Integrative Medicine.
The 6th World Conference on Integrated Medicine will be hold on December 16-18, 2022. The conference is organized by the World Federation of Integrative Medicine and the University of East-West Medicine. The event will invite top experts from around the world to share their experience in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19, and various physical and mental diseases of human beings. 8 continuing education credits from California and the United States will be provided for free on the first day, with a total of 24 credits in three days. In addition, the continuing education course of Tai Chi Qigong prescription for three days is 8 credits per day and 24 credits per 3 days. Total 48 units for 6 days. (Approved by CAB and pending approval of NCCAOM) This conference is free for the public who requires no credit to participate! Click the following link to register:
For all the CEU units, UEWM alumni will get an extra 20% off with discount, use the promo code: UEWM-Alumni
If you don’t need credit, you can join the conference and all classes for free.
第六届世界整合医学大会将在12/16-18隆重举行。由世界整合医学学会联合会与美国国际医药大学联合举办,特邀全球顶级专家共同交流防治新冠病毒的经验,人类的各种亚健康与身心灵疾病的治疗方案,第一天免费提供8个加州和全美继续教育学分,三天共24个学分。另外举办三天太极气功处方继续教育课每天8个学分,三天24个学分。6天共48个学分。(CAB批准,NCCAOM待批准) 本次活动为完全公益,不需要学分的免费参加!点击以下链接注册:


12/19/2022 9:00am-11:00am
Five Energy Six Qi: 5 yun 6 qi – Dr. Haisheng Zhang (2 CEU/PDA units)
五运六气  -张海生教授(2个继续教育学分)
Approved by CAB and pending approval of NCCAOM

12/19 11:00am-6:00pm
Tai Chi For Integrative Medicine – Dr. Chi-Hsiu Weng (6 CEU/PDA units)
太极之整合医学 – 翁启修教授主讲 (6个继续教育学分)
Approved by CAB and pending approval of NCCAOM

12/20/2022 9:00am-6:00pm
Qi Acupuncture – Jack Fu (8 CEU/PDA units)
气针灸 -傅学理教授主讲 (8个继续教育学分)
Approved by CAB and pending approval of NCCAOM

12/21/2022 9:00am-6:00pm
Medical Qigong -Dr. Yingqiu Wang (8 CEU/PDA units)
医学气功 – 王英秋教授主讲 (8个继续教育学分)
Approved by CAB and pending approval of NCCAOM

For all the CEU units, UEWM alumni will get an extra 20% off with discount, use the promo code: UEWM-Alumni
If you don’t need credit, you can join the conference and all classes for free.
https://uewm.edu/uncategorized/%e7%ac%ac%e5%85%ad%e5%b1%8a%e4%b8%96%e7%95%8c%e6%95%b4%e5%90%88%e5%8c%bb%e5%ad%a6%e5%a4%a7%e4%bc%9a-the-6th-world-conference-on-integrative-medicine/feed 0